緑のマンゴーは、熟すまでにどれぐらいかかるのか?-How long does it take for a green mango to get ripe ?-



Last week, Albert Heijn gave an offer of mango. A mango was only 1 euro! In Japan, mangos are very expensive, so I was excited with the offer. However, the mangos were super green, which showed they were not ripe. How long will it take for the mangos to get ripe enough? I decided to buy one and see what would happen.

買った当日の様子がこちらです。全く食欲をそそられない、緑色。This is the mango I got.


3 days later, some part were already yellow. I got excited because I was sure the part would turn red.

5日目。色はほとんど変わらず。ただ、なんとなく甘~い香りが出てきている。そして、皮が若干しわしわになってきている…。しわしわって、これは…どういうこと?と急いでグーグル検索。「マンゴー 食べ頃 見分け方」…。

The 5th day. The color was almost the same, but it started to smell sweet. Besides, the peel had got some wrinkles. “Oh, why?” I rushed into Google.


Google told me a shocking fact. It said: there is a kind of mango which doesn’t turn red even though it is ripe. It is called Keitt mango. Oh my god…that’s why my mango never turned red.

じゃあ、皮のしわは?「マンゴー 皮 しわ」…。大きく分けて2つの意見が出てきて、ひとつは、皮にしわが出ているものはもう熟しすぎなのであまり美味しくないという意見。もうひとつは、しわが出るくらいまで熟したほうが甘くて美味しいという意見。…どっちにしてももう食べなあかんやん!という結論に至りました。その時点で夜中だったので、翌日の朝に食べることに。

So, what about the wrinkles? I googled “mango peel wrinkle”… I ended up getting 2 different opinions. The first is “wrinkles show it is too ripe to taste good”, the other is “wrinkles are signs of good taste.” OK, anyway, I should eat my mango very soon.

翌朝、つまり買ってから6日目の朝。切ってみると… The next day in the morning, I finally cut my mango, and …


Oh! Yummy! So sweet! I felt super tropical. I was so happy!


I recommend you to get a mango and make it ripe. It is a lot of fun!!

